What is Akashic Records Clearing?

Let's start with what Akashic Records Clearing is not-it is not erasing, changing or wiping out your Akashic Records!

Akashic Records Clearing is about removing energetic stagnation, caused to the 7 layers of the energy body throughout its many incarnations, by:

*past life trauma

*ancestral wounding

*karmic connections (sometimes referred to as cords)

*astral and/or etheric implants

*past life vows

It is deep energy work and it is best that you are able to fully rest and relax after the session takes place. You will go through a period of transmuting the stagnation that has been cleared and this can be quite emotional and tiring.

Akashic Records Clearing is ideal for people who are on their spiritual journey and feel 'stuck.' Oftentimes the reason for feeling 'stuck' is that the root cause of the issue took place many lifetimes ago or is ancestral.

Akashic Records Clearing is undertaken by your Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones, with the agreement and assistance of your Higher Self. Nothing can be cleared through without your Higher Self agreeing to it.


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