What is Akashic Records Clearing?

Let's start with what Akashic Records Clearing is not-it is not erasing, changing or wiping out your Akashic Records!

Akashic Records Clearing is about removing energetic stagnation, which can be found in the 7 energy bodies (this is what we refer to as the Light Grid in the Akashic Records) throughout its many incarnations.


Every time we repress a thought or a feeling, we store it in the Light Grid. The first part of your spiritual journey is often spent connecting to and releasing the energetic stagnation caused by this repression through your connection to your body. This release is called transmutation.

What you soon come to realise is that not only do you hold energetic stagnation from this incarnation, but there are other forms of energetic stagnation held in the Light Grid.

Common causes that we see in the Akashic Records for this are:

Past life trauma

As I am sure you can imagine, not every incarnation that you will have experienced will have been pleasant, especially those on Earth. Earth can be likened to a school for Souls, and a difficult one at that. Oftentimes, we evolve and grow during these human incarnations through struggles and suffering. If, however, we are unable to fully understand our struggles and therefore we are unable to transmute the stagnant energy, it moves forward with us into the next incarnation.

This is not ‘punishment.’ It is simply our soul wanting to use the opportunities of a human incarnation to expand and evolve.

Ancestral wounding

It is often the case that certain individuals within a family line will agree to ‘take on’ the wounding contained within the ancestral line for healing. This is not an easy task and is only one undertaken by advanced (i.e. ‘old’) souls. It is a beautiful process as when ancestral wounding is healed, it not only heals the Light Grid of the individual undertaking the work, it also heals the Light Grids of the ancestral line (backwards and forwards from a chronological time perspective).

Akashic Records Clearing is an extremely useful and supportive tool for ancestral work.

Karmic connections (sometimes referred to as karmic cords or karmic ties)

When we have a soul contract with another soul, the terms of which agree to certain karma to be neutralised/resolved, there is an energetic tie formed between the two Light Grids. This is what is known as a ‘karmic connection.’ (You can read more about the different types of soul contracts that we enter here).

By working with the Akashic Records you are not only able to understand the nature of the connection, you are also able to help release the energetic stagnation caused by the energetic tie in the Light Grid. Here it is worth noting that this can only be cleared once the nature of the lesson is understood and embodied. Akashic Records Clearing is not a way to bypass the learning that you soul chose to experience.

Astral and/or etheric implants (astral/etheric simply referring to the energy body in which the implant can be found).

It is not uncommon for an individual to find out during an Akashic Records session that they have some form of ‘implant.’ This can be self-imposed-for example, the soul has chosen to utilise an implant to restrict its access to the astral realm because of previous incarnation experience. It may also be imposed by an external energy. For example, many individuals who in previous incarnations were involved in certain Galactic military organisations have implants for the purposes of tracking.

Past life vows

The energetic stagnation caused by vows made in past lifetimes can be carried forward into each lifetime via the Light Grid until such time as the soul is ready to release/relinquish the vow. There are many different types of past life vows.


Akashic Records Clearing is deep energy work, and it is best that you are able to fully rest and relax during and after the session takes place. There is a period of transmutation which can be quite emotional and tiring.

Akashic Records Clearing is ideal for people who are on their spiritual journey and feel 'stuck.' Oftentimes the reason for feeling 'stuck' is that the root cause of the issue took place many lifetimes ago or is ancestral.

Akashic Records Clearing is undertaken by your Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones, with the agreement and assistance of your Higher Self. Nothing can be cleared through without your Higher Self agreeing to it.

If you would like to learn how to undertake Akashic Records Clearing for yourself, please take a look at my Level 1 training details here.

If you are an existing Akashic Records Reader and you want to be able to offer this service to your clients, please take a look at my Level 3 training details here.

To book in for a 1:1 session with me, please do so here.


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