5 Tips for Spirit Guide Communication
I spend a lot of time working with people’s Spirit Guides in the Akashic Records. The guides in the Akashic Records are collectively your Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones and are guides who specifically work with you in your Akashic Records. Of course, you also have other Spirit Guides who work with you on different dimensions too. Everyone has guides, even though sometimes they might not feel like it.
One of the questions that people ask a lot in Akashic Records Reading sessions is this: How can I have better communication with my Spirit Guides? Here are some tips:
Ask them for assistance
Sounds simple right? But quite often people are expecting their Spirit Guides to intervene or provide guidance when they haven’t actually asked for help. True Spirit Guides will NEVER interfere with your free will. If you come across an energy who is telling you what to do, I’d suggest politely disconnecting from that energy. So, step 1 is to actually expressly ask for the assistance you are looking for.
Be open to how you are going to receive their guidance
Think of yourself as being on one radio channel and your Spirit Guides on another (in fact, often many different channels). To be able to receive the signal from their radio channel it can take time and may involve some work on your part. Whilst you are working on your direct line of communication to them, your Spirit Guides may use different forms of communication with you. For example, the answer to your question may appear as a book recommendation from a friend or be in a conversation with a total stranger. It may be that you become aware of certain signs or synchronicities around you. Be open to what shows up after you have asked for their help.
If you are really unsure, ask them to show you something in your physical reality so that you know they have answered you.
Spirit Guides always answer to your request for help so if you feel you are not receiving it, ask them for something specific. I will always remember a former client of mine did exactly this and she was cut off on the highway by a car. She paid attention as she had asked her Spirit Guides to show her a specific car model and colour and here it was. On the number plate was the answer to the question that she had asked them.
Do not expect a full step by step instruction manual from your Spirit Guides as your answer.
You may ask for some assistance and then receive a vague or seemingly cryptic answer that you then have to reflect upon and work out for yourself. I know that this can be frustrating but it’s completely in alignment with how your soul evolves. Your soul wants to grow and learn lessons while it is here incarnated, and your Spirit Guides are here to help you do that. Not tell you what to do.
Make time and space to receive the assistance.
We live in an age of instant information availability. We do not have to wait to find things out; when a question arises, we simply open Google and type in the question and receive a plethora of answers. But communicating with energies in higher dimensions takes time and patience.
If you are someone who is predominantly claircognizant, you have to make time and space for the ‘knowing’ to come in. Similarly, if you are someone who is predominantly clairaudient, you have to make time and space to hear their advice. Often people will refer to receiving the answers to their questions or inspiration dropping in when they are in the shower. This is why.
Our modern society is designed for us to be distracted, overwhelmed with more information than we can process and constantly busy. We are not used to BE ing. If you want to strengthen your communication with your Spirit Guides, it is essential you learn how to be (which is a spiritual discipline itself).
Everyone has a whole host of guides in multiple dimensions who are here to assist you on your evolutionary journey throughout incarnations. It may take time and practice for you to communicate directly with them but keep up the good work and have fun with it.
If you would like to learn how to work with your Akashic Records Guides, check out my next live online Akashic Records Training here.
I hope that you have found these tips helpful.