What is an Akashic Records Reading?

The intention I set when undertaking an Akashic Records Reading with someone is this: Please allow me to receive and deliver all of the information that this person needs to be able to live a life aligned to their soul and its purpose. Help me to guide this individual to live on their highest timeline

Every Akashic Records Reader will read the Akashic Records differently. That is one of the beautiful things about working with Akashic Records. They will work through you how it is best suited for you. For some Akashic Records Readers the focus will be on past life information. For others, it will be on lifetimes within other star systems.

My focus is always to get you in alignment to your soul. In understanding yourself from that more objective, soul level perspective that the Akashic Records offers. In an Akashic Records Reading with me you can of course ask questions about your past lives (on and off Earth) and you will receive information insomuch as it is relevant to your questions.

An Akashic Records Reading is a session designed to help you receive guidance from your specific guide team in the Akashic Records-your Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones.

The process is a form of channelling on my part. You don’t have to do anything except bring questions and be open to receive.

On the practical side we connect on a video call on zoom. I open your Akashic Records on the call using your first name and then you ask your questions. I will then channel the guidance through from your Akashic Records Guides. They will not tell you what to do-no true Guide will as this would go against your free will. But they will offer a lot of guidance and help you to understand yourself from that more objective soul level perspective. They will also help you understand where you may hold stagnation and blocks and how to move through these.

The general rule for the questions is anything starting 'how,' 'what' or 'why' work best. 'When' questions do not work as the Akashic Records exist outside of the restrictions of time.

If you are unsure as to the types of questions you want to ask, feel free to download my free e-book-101 questions to ask in your Akashic Records which you will find over in the freebies section.

The Akashic Records are all about being able to take a more objective approach to situations in your life (including understanding the nature of your Soul Contracts with others) and helping you to move forward in alignment with your highest timeline.

An Akashic Records Reading can be an uplifting and empowering experience. Your Akashic Records Guides have nothing but complete unconditional love for you and they truly want the best for you-a life of alignment filled with joy, abundance and purpose. They are also really good fun!

If you would like to book in a 1:1 session with me, you can do so through the link here.

Please note that my waitlist for 1:1 sessions is typically 4/6 months pre booked so if you know you want a session, please do reserve it in advance.


What is a ‘Spiritual Awakening’?


What are the Akashic Records?