What are the ‘clair’ senses?

Intuition and intuition development is a HUGE topic in and of itself which I will cover in upcoming blog posts and membership workshops. For today, I want to cover the ‘clair’ senses (the psychic or intuitive senses).

Everyone has all of the ‘clair’ senses. I know that there are people on the internet who want to tell you that they are ‘born psychic’ and that you do not have the same ‘gifts’ as they do. But this is just not true. From my work in the Akashic Records I can say that everyone has all of the ‘clair’ senses. Your ability to use and connect to these individual ‘clair’ senses is determined by a number of factors, including:

  • What aspect of your intuition your Soul worked on developing in previous incarnations

  • What aspect of your intuition your Soul chose to work on developing in this incarnation

  • How connected (or disconnected) you are from your internal Divine Feminine energy

  • How much time you spend in neutral energy

I will get into the Divine Feminine Energy and the intuition in upcoming blog posts, but for today I want to focus on the ‘clair’ senses. These are more connected to your internal Divine Masculine energy as they provide a container and structure to receive and deliver the information from the Divine Feminine energy. By providing the container/structure this allows you to interpret and put into words the information received and to take truly aligned action.

Let’s look at each ‘clair’ sense in turn and which of the primary chakra system that they are related to. Always remember that the chakra system is a system. For example, if the root chakra (which is the foundation to all other work) is imbalanced, trying to balance any of the other chakras in the primary chakra system is almost pointless.

The ‘clair’ senses can be categorised as ‘solar’ or ‘lunar’ ‘clairs.’ We will first look at the lunar ‘clair’ senses of Clairsentience and Claircognisance, and then the solar ‘clair’ senses of Clairvoyance and Clairaudience.


The lunar ‘clairs’ are very internal, whereas the solar ‘clairs’ tend to be more obvious. For example, if you close your eyes and have a vision in your inner eye (a feature of Clairvoyance) this is a much more definite experience for the individual than a ‘gut feeling’ provided by Clairsentience. People who are more dominant in the lunar ‘clairs’ will often claim to have no intuitive ability because it is something that is innate to them and less obvious than the solar ‘clairs.’

It is extremely important to remember that:

  • No ‘clair’ sense is better than any other (if you believe this, it is always the ego at work)

  • Everyone has all of the ‘clair’ senses even though they may be dominant in one or two


Clairsentience loosely translates to ‘clear feeling.’ It is very connected to the solar plexus chakra in the initial stages (4D) and the hara chakra as you develop (5D). Those of you who consider yourself to be empathic are usually Clairsentient.

The main difference between an empath and someone who is Clairsentient is that the empath will pick up on the energy of the feeling but will not receive information from it. For example, they may pick up the feeling of anger as they enter a room following an argument that has taken place but they would only know that they are picking up the energy of anger The Clairsentient, who is able to pick up information from the energy will know it is anger that has arisen due to an argument. As a Clairsentient develops, they will receive more and more information. For example, they may be able to tell you who the argument involved and what they were arguing about.

Out of the four ‘clair’ senses that I will cover today, one of the distinguishing features of Clairsentience is that it is active at all times. It cannot be ‘switched on and off’ as the other three ‘clair’ senses usually can be. This of course can be very overwhelming for the individual.

It is often essential for those of you who are Clairsentient to spend a lot of time by themselves in their own energy. They also often need to learn good energetic protection and cleansing rituals as they are learning how to distinguish between what is their own energy and what is the energy of others.

Clairsentience is very connected to a strong solar plexus chakra and ensuring it is in balance (i.e. not underactive or overactive) can be very helpful to attune this ability.


  1. You are very moved by stories whether that is in movies or books

  2. You can pick up higher frequency emotions such as love and joy off others but can also pick up the lower frequency emotions such as fear and anger

  3. You tend to find that your moods shift very rapidly, especially when you are around different people.

  4. You find that if there is someone in your life that is particularly energetically stuck in lower consciousness you become energetically drained and it can take you a couple of days alone to restore yourself back to their own resonant frequency.


  1. Ensure that you have some time alone and make sure to be very self-observational in your spiritual practice.

  2. Work with practices that are going to help balance the solar plexus chakra.

  3. Find practices of energetic protection and cleansing that work well for you as an individual. Work with these daily.


Claircognisance is another ‘lunar’ clair and roughly translates to ‘clear knowing’. From a chakra perspective, Claircognisance is connected to the crown chakra.

For those of you who receive spiritual downloads or you ‘just know’ the truth behind a situation, without being able to logically explain why, this is claircognisance at work.

Because it is one of the internal ‘lunar’ clairs, you may not think that this is actually a psychic or intuitive ability.

The main difference between clairsentience and claircognisance is the clairsentience has the feeling and then the information whereas the claircognisance just receives the information. There is no emotion attached to the information.


  • You experience recurrent ‘deja vu,’ premonitions and/or messages through your dreams

  • You receive spiritual downloads

  • You feel the ‘truth’ in situations

  • You value honesty and authenticity highly

  • You have a strong desire is to live in complete alignment to your Soul.


Most of you will be familiar with the term clairvoyance which roughly translates into ‘clear seeing’. You can think of clairvoyance as the higher/multidimensional aspect of physical sight. With our physical eyes we are only able to perceive a very small range. With our inner eye however, we are able to access so much more. With clairvoyance the chakra that you are predominantly working is the third eye chakra.


  • When you close your eyes you are able to ‘see things’ (what you see will depend upon the level of development)

  • You are strong at visualisation practices

  • You learn best with visual aides

  • You find yourself drawn to alchemical signs and symbols

  • You have a strong imagination and may find yourself daydreaming a lot


  • Spend time in darkness

  • Connect to your imagination (for example, write a story or read some fiction)

  • Practice third eye meditations

  • Use visual aids such as oracle cards to help get information about the imagery you are seeing.


Whereas clairvoyance is the higher/multidimensional version of sight, clairaudience is the higher/multidimensional function of hearing. Clairaudience is ‘clear hearing’ and utilises the ear and throat chakras.

Clairaudience can present as a voice in the inner ear and it may be quite confusing as that voice can sometimes sound like your own.


  • You experience intermittent ringing in the ears

  • You can hear muffled voices/a language you do not recognise, especially when you are falling asleep

  • You are very drawn to music

  • You love listening to guided meditations/binaural beats


  • Spend time in silence and try to tune into the inner ear

  • Practices to help balance the throat chakra such as singing and chanting

  • Practice active listening throughout your daily life


It is extremely important that you remember to be discerning as you connect into new energies/beings. I know that it can be really exciting when you connect into a new guide or a new frequency but please do not leave your common sense at the door. Take your time with the connection and feel into if the connection is loving and empowering or not.

When you start working with your ‘clair’ senses, most people will connect into the Astral Realm/4D. Here you will find beings of the evolutionary AND devolutionary stream and it is up to you to determine which it is. One of the purposes of the Astral Realm/4D is to train your discernment so please do consider this as you develop.

If you are interested in learning more about working with your chakra system, your intuition and understanding the Astral Realm/4D, please take a look at the membership. In the membership we have monthly workshops covering these topics and more. All previously held live workshops are in the members area to watch in your own time.


Akashic Records 2025 Energies


Radical Self- Responsibility