Akashic Records 2025 Energies

Every year I like to sit with the collective Akashic Records and feel into the themes that are coming through for the upcoming year. As always, take what resonates.

In times such as these, where our consciousness (individually and collectively) is ever evolving and expanding at a rapid rate, I think that it is helpful to understand and share what is coming through to hopefully help you navigate the upcoming period in a way that helps you feel empowered.

Let’s get into it.


2025 is showing itself to be another ‘Mass Awakening Period’-but what does that mean? Mass Awakening Periods are condensed time periods where individuals and humanity as a collective, receive an increase in energies from, and in alignment to, the evolutionary stream of consciousness, to accelerate and assist the expansion/ascension process.

For those of you who have already been through a Spiritual Awakening, this offers a deepening of your awakening and expansion (which I will go into in more detail below). For others, this will be the year that they go through their initial Spiritual Awakening.

If you are new to the Spiritual Awakening process, I would highly recommend checking out this earlier blog post to help you understand what is happening. 

You also might find this episode of my podcast helpful.


On an energetic level, for those who are deepening their Spiritual Awakening, we are going to see a move from the dominance of the Solar Plexus Chakra to dominance of the Heart Chakra. This will show up as a move from the question ‘what is good for me?’ to the question ‘what is good for us (as a collective)?’

You will feel less interested in how you can try to control, manipulate and micromanage your life and much more interested in how you can better align to the flow of life through surrender, take aligned action and be of service.

For those of you who have spent 2024 deepening your connection to, and receiving activations in, your Heart Chakra, you are going to feel much more connected to the Higher Heart Chakra (a higher dimensional version of the Heart Chakra). This will feel like a deepening of the connection to, and relationship with, the internal Christ Consciousness and unconditional love for all (including for yourself).

There will also be an increase in activations of the Throat Chakra, calling you to become truly aligned to your Soul and its purpose for this incarnation.


Numerologically 2025 is a 9 year; this means that it has the frequency of endings before a new cycle begins. If you are uncomfortable with change, endings are uncomfortable. As humans, we can sometimes get stuck in old patterns, behaviours and systems for no other reason than they are what we know. This is the addiction to the comfort zone, which is itself the home of the Ego.

In 2025 the focus will be on recognising and getting comfortable with impermanence. Rather than clinging to the old and fighting for things to stay the same, embrace change and focus on what you can co create, rather than what is falling away.

There will also be an increase in new modalities that people will be bringing through them to help serve the collective in 2025. This is not to say in any way that traditional modalities are unhelpful-they actually provide the foundation for the new modalities coming through.


We all know that external technology is advancing at an astounding rate. We will all be faced with questions around how and why we utilise certain technologies in 2025.

The Akashic Records remind us that we also have an internal technology. In 2025 there will also be an advancement and deepening of accessing and working with the internal technology (as within, so without).

Due to the advancements in the external technologies, the amount of information and content this external technology can create, we are going to need to connect to our internal navigation system (our intuition) even more.

Rather than relying solely on external sources for information, try to spend time turning the focus and attention inwards and enhancing and activating the internal technology.

This is a year to fully step into self-empowerment. Know who you truly are at the deepest level, connect to your intuition and live authentically. This in turn will help you tap into your internal creative energy and open you up to receive higher wisdom from the evolutionary stream.


Because of the advances in the external technologies and the deepening of the connection to the internal technologies, there is going to be a deepening of conversations around questions such as:

“What is consciousness?”

“What is the importance of the intelligence of the heart?”

“How has consciousness evolved over time?” and

“How have we (as souls) evolved over time?”

This will mean you find yourself wanting to go much deeper with your spiritual practices and have a yearning to understand more complex esoteric topics than you have before.

If you would like a safe space to come and explore esoteric topics deeply with a group of likeminded individuals, consider joining the monthly membership.


Following on from that, we will see an expansion in ‘Cosmic Consciousness’ on an individual and collective level. You may find that you meet ‘new’ guides. You may find that you start to recall lifetimes within different star systems and universes. You may even start to speak/write light language.

It is essential as this exciting unfoldment occurs that we ensure that we are always using our discernment to feel into the question “is this information/being/energy of the evolutionary or devolutionary stream?”

Connections from the evolutionary stream will always feel loving, empowering and will never impede upon your free will. Connections from the devolutionary stream will be the opposite.


Because of the amount of information (human and technology generated) that you will find available, there will be a natural desire to want to expand your connection to the support team that you always have available to you.

The more you do this, the stronger your magnetic centre becomes and the more you will attract to you the relevant information, teachers and teachings that you need, whilst leaving the rest. It will really help you to gently navigate your way through the noise (which is only getting louder).

If you do not yet know how to connect to and work with your Akashic Records check out my Level 1 training details here. Everyone has the right and the ability to work with their own Akashic Records and the Akashic Records Guides are amazing at helping you in any area of your life.


For a long time now, many of you will have felt the need to isolate yourself and undertake your healing journey alone. This is a completely normal stage of the Spiritual Awakening journey.

However, there also comes a time when you realise that you need others on this path. We are all interconnected-no one is ever truly alone. Because of everything I have already covered above, there is going to be a desire to reconnect to nature and Earth herself.

She holds great wisdom and by connecting to her through nature, we are able to access this wisdom and understand ourselves more deeply. As humans, we are part of Earth and as she goes through her own ascension process, we go with her.

This does mean that you will need to ensure that you are connecting to your body. We connect to Earth through the amazing vehicle that is the human body. If, up until now you have been using your spiritual practices to avoid feeling what has been stored in this vehicle throughout your lifetimes, this is the time to start reconnecting back to it. This is especially important for women.

Reflecting on and understanding our interconnectedness with everything around us is going to help you remember, on a soul level, how you are part of a bigger evolutionary process that is taking place.


2025 is going to be expansive, activating and full of change. Never get caught up in the fear and/or division narratives that get pushed during periods of Mass Awakening. We are all in this together and we can all support each other through this beautiful time of expansion and co creation.


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