What are Spiritual Downloads?

Spiritual downloads are a feature of claircognizance in operation. When you receive a spiritual download you are receiving information and guidance from a higher frequency source. That could be Source Consciousness, Angels, Archangels or your Soul. It could be from your Spirit guides in higher levels of consciousness. This information is of a higher frequency and is beneficial to you individually and in some way, also beneficial to the collective.


If we look at the energetics of receiving spiritual downloads in conjunction with the chakra system, we can see that in receiving these downloads you are going to work with a number of chakras within the primary chakra system. You are going to be working with the Crown Chakra (Sanskirt: Sahasrara) the Alta Major chakra and the Heart Chakra (Sanskrit: Anahata). The Heart Chakra is crucial in respect of receiving spiritual downloads as it is the Heart Chakra that will essentially translate the information received for you. It is also through the Heart Chakra where you will determine resonance-does this information resonate with me.


1. That you can force spiritual downloads to happen.

There's a lot of focus in the spiritual community. About forcing things to happen, forcing your third eye to open, forcing your heart to open, forcing areas of yourself to be activated. This is predominantly because as a society, we are very focused on taking action, ‘doing’ and being productive all of the time. What you will come to learn on your spiritual journey is that it is more about flow and openness than force.

2. That spiritual downloads only matter if they are ‘full’

People will often think that they are not receiving spiritual downloads because they are only receiving pieces or snippets of information. They hold an assumption that spiritual downloads should be full, precise, concise information.

There are times where this is the case. But there are also times where you will receive partial spiritual downloads on different occasions that you piece together.

3. Only certain people are able to receive downloads.

This is just not true. People who have claircognizance as their strongest ‘clair’ sense will be very open to receiving downloads and it may appear to ‘come naturally’ to them. But that does not mean that this is not something you can also do.

Spiritual skills and abilities are developed over many incarnations and it may just be that this person who you're comparing yourself to has developed their claircognizance over many lifetimes. But everybody has the capacity and the ability to receive spiritual downloads.

4. That you have to be able to identify the source of a spiritual download for it to be ‘real’

People will often dismiss spiritual downloads that they are receiving if they cannot identify the source of the spiritual download. Our ego loves to label things and will ask questions like ‘who is this information coming from?’ and ‘what dimension is this information coming from?’

In many instances, especially when you are receiving from very high frequencies, you will be receiving spiritual downloads from a collective consciousness that is difficult to understand and label, much to the disappointment of our ego.


Spiritual downloads are supposed to be received, brought into the body and allowed to marinate.

We are to feel into the question ‘does this resonate with me?’ rather than ‘who sent this?’ Receiving spiritual downloads is very much a part of your discernment training and as such it is much less about ‘where does the information come from?’ and more ‘does this feel like Truth? Does this feel like Wisdom? Is this guiding me to be more in connection to myself, to the planet, to humanity?’ Or, ‘is this information feeding my ego and trying to reinforce the energy of separation?’. ‘Is it just telling me what I want to hear?’


1. Physical sensations in the Crown Chakra, Alta Major Chakra and/or the Heart Chakra. This can be experienced as a tingling, pressure, heat etc.

2. Periodic ear ringing due to the adjustments taking place to be able to receive information from a new frequency.

3. Moments of inspiration or ‘a-ha’ moments where you feel inspired to do something different, take action in a different way or have insight into a problem that you have been thinking about.

4. Having very vivid or lucid dreams and receiving messages from your dreams

5. You experience a burst of creative energy (be careful not to overdo it if this happens-you still need rest)

6. Higher wisdom, which is often paradoxical, will start to make sense to you on an intellectual (brain) level and a resonance (body) level.


1. Spend time in neutral energy. Take some time to disconnect from everything and make space to just be. Spending time to just be with everything exactly ‘as it is’ is itself a spiritual practice that takes time. and it takes practice to be able to get comfortable with doing that. It is undoubtedly one of the best ways to increase that capacity to receive those spiritual downloads.

2. Ask questions. You can direct these to your Soul, Source, the Universe-whatever you feel comfortable with. By asking questions you are asking your support team to help you and they are always willing to do so. What they do not want to do is interfere with your free will. The hardest part of this is then being able to let go and drop all expectations of receiving an answer.

3. Work on balancing and connecting to the Crown Chakra, Alta Major Chakra and Heart Chakra

4. Take care of the Root Chakra and ensure your nervous system is regulated

Receiving higher frequencies in can be very dysregulating for the body. When you are working with the higher chakras, balance it with working with the lower primary chakras. The chakras are a system that work together so always keep it balanced where you can.


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August 2024 Collective Timeline Shift