August 2024 Collective Timeline Shift

As a lot of you will be aware, there was a collective timeline shift at the start of the month. Now, the first thing to understand is that we go through timeline shifts all the time-on an individual and a collective level. But there are certain timeline shifts on the collective level that can really throw us into a spin and this was one of them.

It is no surprise to me that this took place. With the intensity of the solar flares and the astrology at play right now (caveat-as I understand it-I am not an astrologer), this was not a shock. However, I have held off speaking about it as I wanted to understand how the energies would settle in the ‘post shift period’ and be able to give you some guidance as to how to support yourselves through this time.

(If you haven’t already checked out my podcast episodes on August energies and also on Solar Flares and the Spiritualisation of the Form I would definitely check those out to help you understand all of this at a deeper level.)


A lot! Here I will cover a couple of the main points and then I will get into some suggestions as to how to help yourself through this period:

  1. Crown Chakra activations

    Think of the Crown Chakra as your connection to your Higher Self and to Source Consciousness. Your connection to both (they are ultimately the same thing) now has the potential to be much deeper.

    With these activations, your connection to your Soul Star Chakra also becomes much stronger, which I will cover now.

  2. Deepening the connection to the Soul Star Chakra

    The Soul Star Chakra (aka the Soul’s Purpose Chakra) sits approximately 6-12 inches above the Crown Chakra and is considered a transpersonal or 5th dimensional chakra. When you start connecting to this chakra you will become more interested in aligning to your Soul’s Purpose, you will have past life memories coming forward (sometimes in dream state) and you may even start channelling Light Language.

  3. Deepening the connection between the Heart Chakra and the Higher Heart Chakra

    This is the transition from the connection to Love to the connection to Unconditional Love. Again, the Higher Heart Chakra is more strongly associated with the 5th dimension and it provides a bridge between the Heart Chakra and the Throat Chakra, the home of your authentic self.


    You do not have to do anything to receive these activations. They are part of the evolutionary process. But you can support yourselves physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Here are some suggestions that I received from the Akashic Records. Give them a try over the weekend if you get chance and let me know if they helped.

    1. These energies are intense and you may feel the need to spend some time on your own. That is completely ok! You may be feeling irritable right now and people may trigger you so take some time in solitude to allow everything to process through and integrate. Disconnect from social media if you need to and give yourself permission to just be.

    2. As with all activations, they are going to bring stuff up for you that may have long been buried in the shadow, the unconscious aspect of yourself. Pay attention to your dreams at this time and reflect on the questions:

      a) What parts of me am I still rejecting?

      b) Can I integrate them and fully accept those parts now?

      c) How can I show those parts of myself that I have rejected unconditional love?

    3. As always with higher chakras, try to ensure your roots are connected into Earth. It is a great time for grounding, being in nature and working with the Earth Star Chakra to support the expansion taking place.

    4. Grief may be coming up for you. This may be to do with things in your concious awareness. It may also be ancestral and/or past life grief. Allow yourself to go through the grieving process fully (even if you can'not identify the source of the grief) to really move from Heart Chakra to Higher Heart Chakra.

    5. Surrender even more deeply. Reflect on the questions:

      a) Where am I still trying to force, push or control life?

      b) How can I deepen my connection to the flow of life?

      c) What do I still need to let go of that is creating resistance to me fully trusting my Higher Self and its guidance?

      Always remember, you have everything you need within you for this journey. While it can feel chaotic and confusing, your Soul chose to be here at this time. Try to lean into the experience your Soul chose and embrace the incarnation and everything that it has to offer.


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