Are the Akashic Records dangerous?

The short answer to this of course, no, the Akashic records are not dangerous.

There is nothing dangerous or harmful about accessing the Akashic Records either by yourself or through a practitioner with your consent. All of the information that is provided to you through the Akashic Records is unconditionally loving, supportive and full of guidance.

However, today I would like to explain where I believe that this misconception can come from.

What are you accessing when you connect to the Akashic Records?

The Akashic Records are multidimensional and when you are working with the Akashic records, you're accessing the Akasha. The energy of this and the information from this is fifth dimensional and above. From the perspective of the fifth dimensional level of consciousness, there is only unconditional love, oneness and complete unity. The illusion of duality only exists up to the fourth dimensional level of consciousness.

It is important here to remember that when we talk about dimensional levels these are in respect of levels of consciousness that exist on top of each other. The more you expand your consciousness through your spiritual development, the higher dimensional consciousness that you have access to. These are not outside of you, nor are they ‘physical locations.’ We use these terms solely to help our human brain understand as it loves linear concepts.

So, where does this question come from? Why do people have this belief that the Akashic records might be dangerous?

In my experience of teaching others, there are a lot of people who have had experiences of accessing the many fake versions of the Akashic Records that can be found in the Astral Realm. The Astral Realm contains within it fake versions of everything; you can meet fake Buddha, you can meet fake Jesus and you can meet fake Archangel Michael. From the perspective of the evolution of our soul, the whole point of the Astral Realm is to learn discernment and move through the illusion of the Astral Realm (the ‘Glamour’). To use our free will to consciously decide which energies and information are supportive of our evolution and which are not (both of whom you will meet in the Astral Realm).

Individuals will try to access the Akashic Records, usually via a guided meditation video, despite not having experience enough in their meditation practice to understand that in meditation you learn to work through the Astral Realm into the higher Spiritual Realms. The Astral Realm is not ‘everything there is’ on the spiritual journey. In more modern terminology, you could say that you learn to go through the fourth dimension to start accessing the fifth dimension and above. They will then unwittingly encounter one of the many fake versions of the Akashic Records that exist in the Astral Realm.

Their experience then tends to be one where they meet ‘guides’ who are unhelpful, rude or belittling. They may tell them they are not allowed to access the Akashic Records.

Why does this happen?

This is not the fault of the practitioner; their intention to access the Akashic Records is usually well meaning. The problem usually arises because they have perhaps not understood what the Akashic Records are (and what are they are not) or they do not have the understanding about the different Realms that can be encountered through meditation. They may not yet fully understand the Astral Realm and its purpose of ‘discernment training.’

Let us be clear-the guides in the Akashic Records will never belittle, criticise or judge you. They will never get annoyed with you asking questions, nor will they ever have a superiority complex over you. They are always loving, supportive and open to providing guidance (not instruction).

Can you access the Akashic Records through meditation?

You can of course access the Akashic Records through meditation. One of the two methods I teach in my Level 1 training is a method using meditation. However, the prerequisite to using this method is to ensure an established practice of meditation and an understanding of the different realms. The second method I teach is using a Sacred Prayer (no meditation required) which was gifted to me from the Akashic Records. Both methods are effective and have assisted thousands of students in accessing and working with their own Akashic Records over the years.

The most important thing to remember

The Akashic Records are not dangerous and you all have the right and the ability to access and work with your own Akashic Records. If you have had one of these experiences, please do not let it put you of working with this beautiful spiritual practice. Take that experience for what it is-part of your discernment training.

If you would like to learn more about the various levels of live training that I offer and the next training dates just click here.


August 2024 Collective Timeline Shift


10 reasons you should learn how to access your own Akashic Records