10 reasons you should learn how to access your own Akashic Records

People come to study with me for a variety of reasons. Some want to start working with their own Akashic Records because they are on their spiritual journey and really want some clear guidance through the confusion online (and often contradictory or unrealistic advice out there). For some, it is a tool to help them undertake their own healing and clearing work. For others, they are feeling the calling to become a Professional Akashic Records Practitioner in their role of service to others.

Whatever has led you to the Akashic Records (and reading this blog) is no coincidence; the Akashic Records will ALWAYS find you when you are ready. It happened to me and it is the story of the 1,000s of students that I have taught over the years. Part of my soul’s mission whilst I am here in this incarnation is to help as many people as possible access and work with the Akashic Records in the way that they want to. The Akasha will decide how she wants to work through you and that is unique and individual-just like you!


  1. If you are feeling the calling to work with others using the Akashic Records, it is essential that you develop a relationship with them first. It is true that working in your own Akashic Records is the hardest part of the work. But by establishing a personal relationship with the Akasha through your own Akashic Records, you will be guided as to how you are best going to serve others using this tool.

  2. To receive guidance from your Akashic Records Guides, even when you are in the ‘void’. Communication from your everyday Spirit Guides is really useful when you are navigating your way through your spiritual journey. They can help you work out what teachers you need, what books will be helpful and give you guidance and support. But it is a very normal part of the spiritual development journey to go through periods of radio silence from your Spirit Guides known as the void. People often fear at this time that their Spirit Guides have left them or that they have done something wrong which is never the case. It is ordinarily a time where you are supposed to integrate the guidance you have receive and take actions aligned to that guidance. During these times you can still access your own Akashic Records and whilst the guidance may be sparse, by sitting in the energies you can be reassured that the team have not left you and receive some high vibrational healing energies while you are there.

  3. Everyone has the right and the ability to do so-so why not? It is true that you need to have reached a certain level of consciousness to start receiving guidance from the Akashic Records but if you are reading this, I can guarantee that you are there. Why wouldn’t you want to access them? There is no danger in accessing the Akashic Records, you can’t ‘get it wrong’ and they are an excellent multi purpose tool on your spiritual development journey.

    With the collective consciousness rising, gone are the days where accessing the Akashic Records was only for the select few. You are worthy and able.

  4. When you access the Akashic Records, you are receiving information from the Akasha (which is outside of you). You are channelling. However, you use your internal navigation system (your intuition) to receive and interpret the information. The more time you spend in the Akashic Records the stronger that internal navigation system gets. The stronger the system gets, the more your ‘clair’ senses strengthen and turn on. Your intuition becomes much stronger, helping you in your daily life.

  5. You want to understand yourself from a soul level perspective. You understand that you are more than just the ego and the programming and conditioning of this incarnation and you want to connect to that part of you that is eternal.

  6. You want to understand what your soul has been through in previous incarnations to be able to heal and move forward from traumas that you have experienced. The Akashic Records will help you identify these experiences and help you to clear through the energetic stagnation caused by these experiences, that may be holding you back.

  7. You want to understand what gifts and skills you have brought through from previous incarnations so that you can connect to them more deeply in this incarnation to be of service to others.

  8. You want to live a life more in alignment to your soul and be less ego led. Working with the Akashic Records is all about living in soul alignment which is your highest timeline.

  9. You are running an intuitive, soul led business and you want to be able to receive guidance from your Akashic Records Business Guides. Every business has an Akashic Record. By connecting into your Akashic Records Business Guides you can receive guidance that is right for you and your business specifically.

  10. You want a source of guidance that will grow and evolve with you. The Akashic Records will provide information that is right for you at the right time. As you grow and evolve, the information available to you increases. I am constantly learning through the Akashic Records and it is one of the things I love most about the modality.

If you have gotten this far and would like to get started, please check out my next live training dates here.

I truly look forward to helping you connect to and utilise this wonderful modality on your spiritual journey.


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