What are Soul Mates? What are Twin Flames? And what are Karmic Connections?


In this type of Soul Contract there is this connection between your soul and the soul of another. As you do not share the ‘oversoul’ level it is not technically considered Soul Family. It can be any type of relationship in the Earth plane (i.e. it does not have to be romantic).

Soul Mate contracts are often for specific tasks; for example, a relationship to bring children forward, a teacher to work with who can help activate the gifts within you or even a boss who can teach you the skills to become your own boss.

It is very normal for everyone to have multiple Soul Mate level connections throughout an incarnation. As each incarnation is a short period of time (from the perspective of the Akashic Records) we tend to choose to reincarnate with the same souls over multiple lifetimes as we have come to know them at the soul level.


Twin Flame connections also fall under the category of an empowering Soul contract. From a technical perspective what happens in the case of ‘Twin Flames’ is that the Soul chooses to send two individual fractals of itself into incarnation, rather than just one. The purpose behind this is to experience the specific time period from a divine masculine energy dominant perspective and from a divine feminine energy dominant perspective. This has nothing to do with gender. Because of the level of Soul connection in a Twin Flame contract there tends to be an even deeper energetic connection than you would have with a Soul Mate.

What must be remembered is that whilst everybody has a Twin Flame (i.e. everybody has different fractals of their Soul often experiencing different dimensions) NOT every Soul that is incarnated at this time has a Twin Flame incarnated. They are, in comparison to Soul Mate level connections, extremely rare.

There are other misconceptions around this topic that I would like to address from my experience in the Akashic Records and analysing the Soul level connections of thousands of people.


  1. That it is the ‘missing piece’ that we need to complete us. This is not true. The Divine Union that you seek is not between you and another fractal, it is between your fractal and the rest of your Soul in its entirety and Source Consciousness. You have everything you need within you, and you are perfectly imperfect as you are.

  2. That if you have a Twin Flame incarnated you have to wait for them to be available for a healthy romantic relationship or conscious union. This is not the purpose of the Twin Flame connection. The Twin Flames will often meet at a point in their lives when they are unavailable for a romantic relationship and trigger within one or both parties, the Spiritual Awakening process. The triggering of the Spiritual Awakening (or a new level of Spiritual Awakening) is usually the main reason that this connection exists. It is not about romance (although there does tend to be a deep attraction and chemistry because of the level of Soul connection).

  3. That your belief that an individual is a Twin Flame excuses toxic or abusive behaviour. It does not. As noted above, the Twin Flame connection is an empowering Soul Contract and has an underlying frequency of unconditional love. In most cases, toxic and abusive relationships are Karmic Connections. It is never ok for someone to treat you badly, regardless of the level of Soul Connection.

  4. That you need to track down or ‘call in’ your Twin Flame. If you have a Twin Flame incarnated at this time, there will be a meeting at the time that your Soul has chosen. There is nothing to do on your part.

In a Twin Flame contract, the divine feminine energy dominant Soul often leads the way. They are often the first to commit to their own healing and evolution. The divine feminine energy dominant Soul does not need to ‘fix’ or ‘help’ the divine masculine dominant Soul. In fact, when they try to it can often cause the divine masculine energy dominant Soul to ‘run.’ Their responsibility is to their own Soul and its evolution.

From a Soul level perspective, all the work one of the Souls does helps the other (as they are part of the same Soul). Union on the Earth plane between the Souls in a twin flame connection can take many incarnations but if there is meant to be union in this incarnation, there will be. It does not need to be forced.


Undoubtedly the question I get asked most about disempowering Soul Contracts is ‘Why would a Soul actively choose a difficult Soul Contract, such as a Karmic Connection?’ I think Alan Watts explained this beautifully when he explained it like this:

“Let's suppose that you were able every night to dream any dream that you wanted to dream. And that you could, for example, have the power within one night to dream 75 years of time. Or any length of time you wanted to have. And you would, naturally as you began on this adventure of dreams, you would fulfill all your wishes. You would have every kind of pleasure you could conceive. And after several nights of 75 years of total pleasure each, you would say "Well, that was pretty great." But now let's have a surprise. Let's have a dream which isn't under control. Where something is gonna happen to me that I don't know what it's going to be. And you would dig that and come out of that and say "Wow, that was a close shave, wasn't it?" And then you would get more and more adventurous, and you would make further and further out gambles as to what you would dream. And finally, you would dream ... where you are now. You would dream the dream of living the life that you are actually living today.” Alan Watts

Our Karmic Connections help us, on a Soul level, to grow and evolve. Firstly, the help us to neutralise any karma that we have accrued over our previous incarnations. Secondly, they help us to grow and evolve by being involved in our ‘life lessons.’

For example, if your soul has chosen ‘stepping into its personal power’ as a Soul lesson for this lifetime, what better way to learn than to have a relationship with someone who actively disempowers you? As I noted earlier, we as humans learn best from our relationships with others. It helps our Soul to evolve and ultimately, we are an individualised fractal of Source Consciousness experiencing itself.

‘Old souls’ (those who have had multiple incarnations packed full of lessons) will often pick particularly difficult lifetimes. I work with a lot of Old Souls. It can initially be difficult for them to understand why their Soul chose certain experiences and relationships but when they understand it from that much more objective, Soul level Akashic perspective it makes complete sense to them. They understand how their Soul wanted to experience the growth and evolution that is available to them in this current earthly incarnation.

Karmic Connections are often catalysts designed to help us move from a third dimensional victim consciousness into a higher level of consciousness where we instead ask ‘What is the lesson here for me to learn (with the brain) and embody (with the heart)?’ This in itself is not an easy shift but spiritual development and spiritual growth requires this shift into radical self-responsibility in respect of life and its circumstances. True spiritual growth and development is hard; it is not all ‘Love and Light.’

Please don't think here that I am victim blaming anybody or that I am not aware of the awful circumstances that people experience. I work with people all of the time who've been through extremely difficult situations and traumas in their lifetime. But when they are able to really start taking their power back and move into a place of self-empowerment the energetic shift that occurs can be monumental in respect of the quality of the life that move into as a co-creator.

It should also be noted that not every situation is governed in respect of the terms of a Soul Contract between individual souls. We must also remember that there is also free will on the part of the individuals. In certain instances, how a situation occurs and transpires has nothing to do with a Soul Contract between two individuals and everything to do with an individuals free will and how they are choosing to behave. Ultimately, that is the karma that they are creating for themselves.


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What are Soul Contracts? The Akashic Records perspective