What is a Lightworker?

From the Akashic Records perspective, ‘Lightworker’ is a term used to define one of the many soul groups that come up in the Akashic Records. Other soul groups would include Starseeds and Blueprinters.

We look at soul group types not to get attached to more labels but to help assist our soul level understanding of the energies at work within us; to understand ourselves at the objective soul level perspective that the Akashic Records offers.

A Lightworker can be defined as a soul who has chosen to go through a spiritual awakening in this lifetime and who has a deep desire to be of service to others through their spiritual awakening and development process. They are here at this time to help illuminate the way to self realisation for others.

Oftentimes, during the spiritual awakening process, a Lightworker will go through a deep process of healing and unfoldment at which time they will learn practices and tools that will then form part of their service. Depending upon the subcategory of Lightworker than the individual is, will determine which paths and practices they are drawn to. This is the magnetic centre at work, attracting to you different teachings and practices to help you along the way to self-realisation.

Now that we have defined what a Lightworker is, let us take a look at the ‘signs’ of being a Lightworker.


  1. You have experienced a spiritual awakening in this incarnation.

  2. You resonate with the term Lightworker.

  3. You have a deep desire to be of service to others on the spiritual awakening and development journey.

  4. You feel a deep sense of purpose (although you may not yet be clear on what that purpose is exactly)

  5. You consider yourself to be highly sensitive/ very empathic.

  6. You have a strong internal navigation system (your intuition).

  7. You resonate more with spiritual and esoteric teachings than traditional dogmatic religion.

  8. You understand that any difficulties you have experienced in your life, especially early life, were preparing you for your role of service.

  9. You find people come to you for advice and guidance and you are naturally able to guide them.

  10. As a child, people referred to you as an ‘old soul’ or commented you were ‘wise beyond your years.’

  11. You may be the black sheep of the family.

  12. You find the density of Earth and human incarnation difficult so will need bouts of time alone to recharge.

  13. You may trigger other people completely unintentionally.

  14. You are able to see bigger picture patterns in life and people and may be drawn to work with or more deeply understand systems such as Astrology and Human Design.

  15. You feel Earth is one of the many schools in a bigger system, not a final destination.

If you find yourself reading this list and resonating with them, the chances are, you are a Lightworker!

To get clarity for yourself from your Akashic Records, feel free to book in for a 1:1 Akashic Records Reading with me here.

Or you can check out my next training so you can learn how to access and work with your own Akashic Records.


14 types of Lightworker


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