What questions can I ask the Akashic Records?
Absolutely anything! But there are certain questions that work better than others. For example, questions that require a yes/no answer are not recommended.
The Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones (your Akashic Records Guides) will NEVER interfere with your free will. They are available for guidance around your decisions, not telling you what decision to make.
The general rule is if a question starts with ‘how,’ ‘what’ or ‘why’, it is a great question for the Akashic Records. ‘When’ questions do not work as the Akashic Records exist outside of our concept of linear time.
I have compiled a free e book with 101 questions that work really well. This has been compiled over many hours working in the Akashic Records with others and has assisted many of my clients and students get the most out of working with the Akashic Records. Please take these as suggestions only-it is perfectly ok to bring your own questions to a session.
I hope you find these useful and if you would like to learn more about training or book in a 1:1 session with me, please do so here.