What is a ‘resolution lifetime?’

Resolution lifetime’ is a term used in the Akashic Records to describe a specific type of lifetime where the Soul is coming to the end of the incarnational cycles on Earth. A Soul that is in resolution lifetime is essentially finishing Earth school during that lifetime.

This does not mean that at the end of the Earth incarnational experience that they are going to merge back with Source Consciousness. There is more Soul evolution to come once the Soul completes its time on Earth.

I should also note here that whilst in transition (in between incarnations) the Soul always has a choice. Even if the Soul has completed ‘Earth school’ it can still choose to return to assist humanity and the evolution of consciousness on Earth. Alternatively, the Soul can choose to continue its evolutionary journey elsewhere. This is a choice made by the Soul with the assistance of its many guides.


From my work in the Akashic Records, working with thousands of individuals, it is apparent that many individuals incarnated at this time are in a Resolution Lifetime. By understanding that, and by understanding the chief characteristics of a Resolution Lifetime, the individual is able to make sense of what they have experienced in the incarnation. This can be very healing for the individual and can help them focus on the lessons that they are working through in this lifetime.

Let’s take a look at those characteristics, so you can feel into for yourself whether or not you may be experiencing a Resolution Lifetime.


  1. They rarely choose to incarnate into a family that contains members of their Soul Family. Instead, it is much more likely that they choose to incarnate with Souls with which they have a karmic connection. (If you are unsure as to the different types of Soul Contracts that there are, please read this blog post here)

    Because of this, those experiencing a Resolution Lifetime will often experience a very difficult childhood. They will often feel disconnected from their birth family and feel like the odd one out. This can be a very confusing experience as a child and lead to them feeling isolated and disconnected.

    The reasons that this occurs in a Resolution Lifetime is that the Soul will use every opportunity it can to learn the lessons that Earth School has to offer and neutralise any karma that it may still have. Our personal relationships are an excellent way to do this from a Soul level perspective. From the human experiential perspective of course, this can be quite a difficult thing to experience.

  2. They repeatedly experience difficult personal relationships. We can look at the first stage of a Resolution Lifetime as a period of resolving/neutralising all karma. The Soul will use this period to go through every karmic relationship it has had throughout its Earth incarnations and resolve them. This is why people who are experiencing a Resolution Lifetime appear to go from one ‘bad’ relationship to the next.

    It is not that they do not have Souls incarnated with whom they can have a love filled conscious relationship with. It is that the priority of the Soul is to first ensure that the lessons these karmic relationships had to offer have been learned (at a mental level) and embodied (on all levels).

  3. They experience a period of deep healing and introspection. There comes a point in the lifetime that the individual in Resolution Lifetime embarks upon their healing journey. This is often accompanied with a Spiritual Awakening and is often referred to as the ‘hermit stage’ due to the intense desire to be alone.

    This deep healing phase can feel like everything is falling apart. During this time, the individual in Resolution Lifetime experiences the ending of many relationships, disconnection and dissatisfaction with certain life choices (such as career) many ego deaths.

    It has to be remembered that whilst the individual is in this phase, they are healing not only the wounding from the current lifetime, but also wounding from past lifetimes and any ancestral issues that the individual took on to transmute. Akashic Records Clearing can be a very helpful practice at this time.

  4. They often feel a sense of urgency in respect of moving into Soul alignment, like they are somehow ‘behind schedule.’ This is a positive sign as the individual starts to move from the isolation and deep healing phase, into the phase of expansion, alignment and service. It is important here that the individual does not try to avoid or bypass any of their healing work by helping others. It is essential to continue with their own spiritual development.

  5. They enter expansion, alignment and service to others, often assisting others with issues they themselves have had to work through. For example, they may have been born into extreme poverty and had to learn how to move out of that into alignment with abundance. In their role of service to others they may teach others how to do this.

    It is also during this phase that Soul Mate and Soul Family level connections will come in to the individuals lives, which can be quite refreshing after everything that they have been through.

It should be noted here that in most cases, these phases do not have a linear progression. It is completely normal for you to circle back around to issues as you go deeper into your own expansion. Always remember that your own spiritual development and evolution continues on throughout the incarnation (and beyond!)


Resolution Lifetimes can be difficult from an experiential perspective, but your Soul knows what it is doing. Trust that everything that happens throughout your incarnation is ultimately for your growth and expansion and that you have everything you need to navigate your way through it. Be kind and loving to yourself throughout.

If you have read this post and it resonates, you are probably in a Resolution Lifetime. You can get clarity on this, and on your Soul Contracts through your Akashic Records. If you would like to learn how to retrieve this information and how to undertake Akashic Records Clearing for yourself, please take a look at my Level 1 Training.


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