How is an Akashic Reading different to a Psychic Reading?

The simple answer to this is that an Akashic Records Reading is a form of channeling-the information comes from outside of the Akashic Records Reader and is channeled through the reader. In a psychic/intuitive reading, it comes from within-the readers intuition. It involves the reader being able to intuitively tap into your energy and provide guidance to you from their translation, via their intuition (sometimes using tools such as Tarot cards).

In an Akashic Records Reading, the Akashic Records Reader opens themselves to channel the information from the Akasha (Sanskrit-space, sky aether). The Akashic Records Guides (often referred to as the Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones) help obtain the information from your Akashic Records that they deem relevant to the questions you bring, based on what you are ready to receive. This process involves complete surrender on the part of the Akashic Records Reader to allow the information to come through.

When working with the Akashic Records the practitioner is working with predominantly feminine energy by connecting to the Akasha and the information 'drops into' their heart chakra for transmission. This is then delivered through the structured energy of the throat chakra, which is masculine energy dominant.

When you start working with your own Akashic Records, or when you go for an Akashic Records Reading with a practitioner, it is important you bring a range of questions to ask. The questions help your Akashic Records Guides ascertain the information that you need to receive from the Akashic Records at this time. (If you are unsure about what questions you have, why not download my free 101 questions ebook here)

I often find with my Akashic Records Readings with clients the information provided by the Akashic Records will answer more than one of the questions that the client has. This is completely normal. Not only are our 'issues' often related to each other but the very act of sitting and considering what questions you have will mean that the information you desire is ready to be channeled. Answers to your questions from the Akashic Records can be very long!

Akashic Records Readings are about seeking soul level truth and guidance. It is not about being told what to do-we are looking for guidance and seeking a more objective, 'bigger picture' perspective by using the Akashic Records to zoom out.

Both types of readings (Akashic and Intuitive) can help you navigate your life. There is not one better than the other-they are just different.

If you would like more information about Akashic Records Readings, check out this blog post.


What are the Akashic Records?


How does Healing take place in the Akashic Records?