Are you a Starseed?

First off, let me explain what I mean by ‘Starseed’ from the perspective of the Akashic Records. Starseed means that the soul has had incarnations within star systems and on planets other than Earth. It does not make that person any better than anyone else who is incarnated now. It’s important for that point to be emphasised as the Akashic Records Guides are very aware of the division on Earth at present. They do not want topics like this to be used divisively. And if you do find yourself getting attached to the label or feeling like you are superior to others because you resonate with what I share below, its simply your ego.

I am sharing these signs not to contribute to division, but as a way of people getting to understand themselves. When someone asks about their ‘off Earth’ lifetimes in an Akashic Records Reading, it can be very healing for them to understand themselves at this soul level.

Think of each star system as a school (Earth included). Understanding which schools you have attended and the training you have received can be very beneficial when you are feeling a little lost.

So let’s get into the common signs that I see from people who have had these ‘off Earth’ lifetimes and you can feel into whether or not this may be you.


  1. You have a feeling of homesickness.

    I have listed this as number one as almost every single person who I have worked with over the years who is a Starseed has expressed this. A deep knowing that their soul longs for elsewhere and that Earth herself may not have always been her primary energetic connection.

  2. You appear to have been ‘born with’ one or more developed ‘clair’ sense

    The ‘clair’ senses are also referred to as the psychic senses: for example, clairvoyance is ‘psychic seeing.’ Individuals who have had off Earth incarnations often have one or more of these clearly from childhood. This is a representation of the fact that these abilities have been developed in previous incarnations that the soul has lived.

  3. You are often referred to as an ‘old soul’

    Often as a child these individuals will be referred to by family and teachers as an ‘old soul’ or wise beyond their years. It is often the case that these individuals (whilst still having experienced the ‘veil of forgetting’) still retain access to certain levels of wisdom and information that they have gathered in previous incarnations.

  4. You are fascinated by space

    This can be in a traditional scientific perspective of being drawn to modalities such as astronomy or the more esoteric studies of systems such as Tropical or Vedic astrology. You may spend hours gazing up at the night sky or just have a thirst for science fiction movies-especially Star Wars

  5. You have dreams, visions or memories of being on different planets and/or travelling through space

    And these often include flying! The dreams are often extremely vivid and memorable and visions are often experienced in meditation or during other spiritual practices.

  6. You are very connected to the astral realm

    Whether that be through lucid dreaming, astral projection or out of body experiences, these individuals often have a strong connection to the astral realm. This can be quite scary (especially as it often occurs in childhood when the level of understanding of what is occurring is not yet developed) but can be understood fully and developed to ultimately be of use to the individual.

  7. You consider yourself to be an empath and are sensitive to energetic shifts of Earth

    Oftentimes these individuals will feel deeply-whether that is the emotions of others they are around, the energetic shifts of Earth herself, the collective or the cosmos. One of the lessons that these individuals are often here to learn is how to transmute and regulate their emotions and move from a place of empathy to compassion.

  8. You are fascinated by ancient civilisations such as Lemuria and Atlantis

    This is often connected to when the individual soul first started working with or incarnated within the societies of Earth. As we are currently experiencing similar themes to those already encountered in the times of Lemuria and Atlantis it is often these themes that awaken within the individual knowledge that is needed at this time.

  9. You have a deep sense of soul purpose or mission

    Every soul has a soul purpose, regardless of previous incarnations. The individuals who have also experienced ‘off Earth’ incarnations feel this deeply and can often suffer from deep dissatisfaction when they feel that they are out of alignment with their purpose.

  10. You are drawn to spiritual development and inner work

    These souls not only have an individual mission-they have a role to play within the collective mission also. Often the experiences that they have had on Earth and their inner work to evolve their consciousness ultimately becomes part of how they help others go through their evolution.

    Each soul has its own individual and unique journey throughout the cosmos. In an Akashic Records Reading, any lifetimes you have experienced ‘off Earth’ will come up if they are relevant for you to know based on the questions you are asking.

    If you are unsure as to what types of questions to ask, I have collated 101 questions that work well in the Akashic Records which is free to download here.

    If you would like to book in a 1:1 session to explore your own soul’s journey with me, please do so through the appointment link here.


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