14 types of Lightworker

Note: If you have not already read my blog post on what a Lightworker is, please go back and check that one out here.

In this blog post, we are going to cover 14 subgroups of Lightworkers that come up in the Akashic Records. For the purpose of full disclosure, there are more than 14 subgroups (and new ones emerging as we expand in consciousness). It is also possible for you to resonate with more than one of these subgroups (or even all 14). The purpose of this post is to give you an overview of these subgroups to help you understand yourself more from the objective soul level perspective that the Akashic Records offers.

I shall cover the 7 most common subgroups first, then we will look at the rarer subgroups.



The Astral Worker Lightworker subgroup tend to be very drawn to Astral Relam practices such as Shamanic Journeying and astral projection. They may be born with a natural ability to connect into and work with the Astral Realm and have a strong astral body.

The Astral Workers also tend to be ‘dual missioned;’ that is their soul has not only decided to take on specific missions and tasks whilst on Earth in their conscious waking life, but their soul has also chosen to do work within the Astral Realm (most often whilst they are ‘sleeping’). The nature of the work that they do in the Astral Realm is completely different for each individual and they may or may not be consciously aware of what is taking place whilst they are in the Astral Realm.

From an Earth based perspective, Astral Workers will often be drawn to service in roles such as becoming a Shamanic Practitioner and/or working with plant medicines to help people heal and/or expand their consciousness.


Healers will often pick extremely difficult lifetimes (especially early lifetimes) to allow them to experience a variety of lessons. This allows them to connect to and activate innate healing gifts and abilities that they have developed over previous incarnations. Healers also tend to be extremely empathic and will often really feel the energies and the pain of people around them, which of course can be quite overwhelming. Because of this ability learning how to enforce good energetic boundaries and not sacrifice themselves for others is essential for them to remain in alignment.

They are the master alchemists and have an innate ability to assist others in the transmutation of energetic stagnation through a variety of methods.

Healers are often drawn to different healing modalities such as Reiki, working with the Chakra system and working with the light grid in Akashic Records Clearing.


Grid Workers are individuals who work with Earth's crystalline grid, the ley lines and the Chakras of Earth herself. As you will know Earth is going through her own Ascension process and Grid Workers help to act as a conduit between the spiritualising solar forces and the Earth. Because of this, Grid Workers will often feel very drawn to travel to certain places and may find it difficult to settle in one location for long periods of time.

They are very sensitive to when we are receiving an increase in the light codes that are being received by Earth, which can be seen in the Schumann Resonance.

Grid Workers tend to be very grounded and very embodied and feel most at home out in nature. Their spiritual practice and service tends to be around connecting to the Earth and being in the body so will often be drawn to facilitating retreats in specific locations, working with herbs and plants and promote a more sustainable, often ‘off grid’ lifestyle.


The Ascension Guides are here to help guide others through the Ascension process. As with the Healers, prior to incarnation the Ascension Guide will often choose a difficult, long and painful, spiritual awakening.

The Ascension Guide on their own journey will often try different practices, resonate with different teachers and different times and try different modalities to work out what will best support them. This process allows them to uncover what works (and when) for when they step in their role of service to guide others.

In their role of service, you will often find Ascension Guide using modalities such as Human Design, Astrology, Akashic Records Practitioners, Coaching and Counselling. Where Ascension guides can difficulty is when they collect modality after modality but continue to do so, rather than stepping into an active role of service.


Shadow workers are very aware of the need to integrate and embrace the shadow parts of themselves as individuals and to help humanity do the same on a collective level. This is essential work to assist the evolution and expansion of all. They often have a difficult journey back to themselves, to a place of self-love and compassion.

On an individual level they also tend to take on the ancestral wounding of the lineage into which they incarnate. By working on this for themselves, they in turn help to heal the Light Grids of their ancestral line.

In their roles of service, they help individuals to connect to and integrate the shadow parts of themselves. This can be energetically deep work and it is essential that the Shadow Workers give themselves time for rest and recuperation.


The Messengers are here to receive information from the highest spiritual dimensions and bring it to Earth for the collective. In doing this, they make this higher wisdom available to the consciousness of others. This in turn, helps to raise the collective consciousness of humanity.

The biggest lesson that the Messenger learns on their spiritual journey is the need for discernment and resonance. When they first start tuning into this ability to bring in information from energies outside of themselves, they will often experience a connection into the Astral Realm.

The Astral Realm contains energies that are loving and here to help the evolution of humanity. It also contains energies that want to thwart the evolution and are part of the devolutionary stream. It is the job of the Messenger to discern what energy they are connecting into and to ultimately move through the Astral Realm levels of connection to the higher spiritual planes.

Messengers will often act as channels and teachers in their roles of service.


Blueprinters hold divine wisdom within their Light Grid, specifically the part of the Light Grid that contains the soul blueprint. They have brought through information and/or modalities and practices from their previous lifetimes into this incarnation to assist the collective expansion and evolution of consciousness.

Their personal spiritual journey tends to be focussed on their inner work allow this information and/or modalities to be brought forward.

If you resonate with being a Blueprinter soul and would like a deeper look at what this means for you and the different types of Blueprinter Soul groups that show up most often in the Akashic Records, please check out this blog post.



The Seers are the Lightworker group that can ‘see’ timelines (future and past). Future timelines become visible to a Seer at around a 60-70% probability and they will use the information they receive for the betterment of humanity. Some Seers specialise in past timelines, in order to help the collective heal and learn from past times, such as the falls of Atlantis and Lemuria.

Because the ability of the Seer is developed over multiple incarnations most Seers will hold heavy witch wounding and/or mother and sister wounding from these previous incarnations. This can then hold them back in sharing their gifts with others.


You will sometimes see this Lightworker group referred to as the Wayshowers. The Beacons are here to FULLY embrace their authenticity and be a ‘beacon’ of Truth for others. This can be quite a challenging role to take as their very existence (when they are being truly authentic) can trigger in others where they are being inauthentic to themselves. This is the role of a catalyst which often goes hand in hand with being a Beacon.

In childhood the Beacon will often reject many of the parts of themselves that are their core essence and during their spiritual journey focus on bringing those back.

The lifetime of the Beacon will be marked by their own journey back to authenticity and then guiding others to do the same.


The Witness Lightworker is one who will be very observational about what is going on in respect of the evolution of humanity. They are constantly ‘reporting back’ (consciously or unconsciously) to higher spiritual beings who are involved with the evolutionary process of humanity. They will often be geographically located in areas where there is chaos and conflict where there may be a strong devolutionary impulse.


The Bridges will act as a bridge between the other dimensions and our current physical reality. This can be in the form of astral work and connecting into your astral plane spirit guides. It can be connecting you to your Spirit Guides in higher dimensions. It can also be acting as a bridge to loved ones who have transitioned (mediumship).


Sound workers are those individuals who feel deeply connected to sound. They will often be drawn to practices such as sound healing, rhythmic dance and yoga methods that focus on listening for the vibration of the Divine “Aum”. These individuals are often Clairudient and very musical.


This group is connected to the Astral Worker group but focus specifically on dream work; most often the interpretation of the dreams of others. They will often be strong lucid dreamers and may teach others how to do the same. They will often receive a lot of information from their Spirit Guides in the Astral Realm whilst dreaming and then bring this information back into their waking life.


Frequency workers are interested in understanding themselves and others in respect of what frequency is being emitted. Their goal is to help others not only understand the frequency that they are emitting but to understand how to work with it to raise the frequency of the collective. You will often find frequency workers drawn to practices such as Kinesiology, Acupuncture/Accupressure and Craniosacral massage.

If you would like to start understanding yourself from a deeper, soul level objective perspective that the Akashic Records offers, feel free to check out more information on my training so you can work with your own Akashic Records or my 1:1 sessions where I will be delighted to open your Akashic Records for you.


What is a Lightworker?