May energies 2024

At the end of each month I tune into the collective Akashic Records and ask them for guidance in respect of the incoming energies. I share these over on my podcast and on social media, but I thought today I would also share here as May is quite an interesting month after the intense eclipse season that we have all been through.

The first thing that the Akashic records shared with me is that May is going to feel very much like the liminal space; that is ‘the space in between’. April was very much about clearing through old energetic blockages, finishing old karmic cycles, and there was a lot of clearing, a lot of purging and a lot of detoxing.

We don't automatically shift from purging straight into the new. There is always a space in between and May is very much going to be that liminal space.

As humans, we want to try and control everything. We want to try and make sure that we have security and the liminal space can feel extremely uncomfortable. We have a knowing that something else is coming, but we do not know what that is. When you experience the energy of the liminal space try to allow yourself to be; connect to present moment awareness as much as possible and try to be very self observational. Sit in your own energy and you pay attention to what's arising. Pay attention to the thoughts that are coming in, any areas of tension in your body and the emotions coming up.

From an internal feminine energy perspective this liminal space is very connected to the energy of the ‘Crone Archetype’. The Crone Archetype is one that people tend to avoid and is often completely ignored by our modern society with its obsession with youth and the attempted avoidance of death.

Crone energy is the ancient wisdom of the Divine Feminine, associated with endings of cycles and death. It is a beautiful energy to work with. You are going to experience many ‘maiden, mother, crone’ cycles on your spiritual journey. Understanding how to work with and navigate these cycles, utilizing the archetypal energy available can be really beneficial.

Part of working with the Crone Archetypal energy involves your ability to surrender. If you have a particularly dysregulated nervous system you are going to find surrender very difficult as you need to first establish feelings of safety and security in your body. For this, I would highly recommend that you first do the work to bring the nervous system into regulation. A regulated nervous system is the foundation for all other spiritual practices and development.

Surrender is about creating energetic space and connecting to your internal navigation system to strengthen it and receive guidance from it-from your soul. This liminal space is very much about connecting in to that energy of surrender and connecting to the internal navigation system.

The next topic that the Akashic records brought in for May was throat chakra activations. In April, we had solar plexus chakra activations. For those of you familiar with the chakra system, you will recall that the solar plexus chakra works very closely with the throat chakra. The activations of the throat chakra coming in May are no surprise after this upleveling and activation of the solar plexus chakra that occurred in April.

From the Akashic Records perspective, the throat chakra is strongly connected to level five of our Light Grid which is the Soul Blueprint level. The Soul Blueprint contains information about what your soul wants to experience during an incarnation. When throat chakra activations occur you will start to connect to the Soul Blueprint. Do not be surprised if you find yourself asking questions such as ‘What does my soul actually want to achieve during this lifetime?’ and ‘Why am I here?’ These questions will become more imperative during this activation time.

In many yogic traditions, the throat chakra is considered your connection to the Akasha. The ether. The fifth element in Sansrkit. Do you not be surprised at this time if you become more interested in connecting into your own Akashic Records, or indeed deepening your existing practice. for that one as well.

May is preparing you for everything that is to come. Remember, 2024 is a year of truly aligning to your soul. Anything that is out of alignment to this will fall away and this can be uncomfortable. The more you are in connection to your Self, the more you can allow this to happen.

If you are feeling the call to learn how to access the Akashic Records and undertake your own healing and clearing in the Akashic Records, please check out my next Level 1 training dates here.


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